Tuesday, February 11, 2020


         From both of these websites we see very opinionated writers on the antiwar side. However, on mainstream news sources we never read about antiwar. Most people never read articles with the opinion that war is bad. All we see in the news about war is what’s going on and what we can do to help. Nobody says anything bad about it except for what’s happening to people and how if we have stronger armed forces, we would be much better off. When we think of war all we think about is how can we help so we win and come out strong.

         We’ve probably never heard of these websites because no one teaches us to hate war. War is all our history is, over land, materials and more. If we just go through history, we see all the wars we’ve been through and how we don’t want to get involved but somehow do. Another reason we may have a hard time finding these websites is because the government doesn’t want us reading things like this. If there is a war and everyone is against it and we have to have a draft, there won’t be any unity since nobody will want to fight. Therefore, the government probably tries to hide antiwar writers, so others don’t get that idea in their head.