Thursday, February 4, 2021

Blog 2


    When making a business card I found it to be most important to pay attention to resizing images and text frames. In order to make the card look professional you shouldn't have the texts go past the margin lines because it will be too close to the edge of the paper when printed. You also have to know how to resize the text box by double clicking any handle to expand the frame (Noe Araujo, 9/4/19). When first creating a text box it may be too small which will still allow you to type but the words you type that go behind the text box won't be seen so you must expand the text box. It's also important to change the size of it so words don't go past the margins and get cut off the page. Overall when previewing the final product you should look to make sure anything you want to reach the end of the page goes to the bleed and your text doesn't go too far past the margins.