Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Founding Era Timeline

To begin the founding era timeline, we must start in 1619 with the first slaves who arrived in the Jamestown colony. It started with about twenty slaves which eventually grew to be thousands. Next came the Declaration of Independence in 1776 as well as the Revolutionary War and State constitutions. Later, the Articles of Confederation brought the first attempt at a Federal Constitution and one year later the Treaty of Paris. The Articles of Confederation basically gave a list of things the government could and could not get involved in. That same year was the end of the Revolutionary War which also brought a recession due to debt spending. 

Since the Articles of Confederation didn’t give the government enough power in 1787 the Continental Congress had a meeting ending in three compromises, 3/5 compromise, twenty-year rule and the fugitive slave clause. Two years later the Constitution was ratified with a separation of powers between the Executive branch, Judicial branch and lastly the legislative branch. Then in 1803 the Marbury V. Madison what the first case to set a precedent by establishing a rule or doctrine. This came with the term Judicial review which gave the Supreme court power to review all actions by all departments of government and deem them constitutional or unconstitutional. Finally, this timeline ends in 1808 when the twenty-year rule has ended, and the issue of slavery can be talked about once again.

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