Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Free Speech

Petition · Freedom of Speech In Virginia In Crisis, ACT NOW ...
          Personally, I think the most important of the eight values of free expression is participation in self-government. It’s vital that each candidate is able to fully express themselves and who they are so that the people voting have a better idea of who they like more. If people were restricted on what they say, then it would be difficult to have a full discussion and understanding of someone. To me it is more important that we know as much as possible about candidates so we can make the best decision for ourselves and others. By restricting speech, we may not get the whole picture of who someone is which could end poorly.

          This is the most meaningful form of free expression to me because I need to know someone before I can support them. It’s also important for everyone else to truly know the candidates before choosing someone for a somewhat permanent position. Overall, free speech and its relationship with government is something that shouldn’t be restricted so all citizens are fully informed of candidates in elections.


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