Thursday, April 30, 2020


Music as Propaganda · Music As Propaganda in World War 1 · Digital ...

       Propaganda is something that can be misleading or promoting a certain cause that is biased. This is something that can have both positives and negatives. During many world wars the United States used propaganda to promote citizens to join the military. Doing so was a positive because it lead to less people being people sent through the draft. On the other hand, false information can be promoted causing people to believe things that aren’t true. This affects society as a whole because it changes peoples opinion on topics when they are being mislead by advertisements or news. After citizens find out that the government way lying about something it can cause controversy that could be difficult to find a solution to. In some cases propaganda can be used to help different groups of people like the majority or the minority. If news is produced about how something one of the groups is doing is bad, even though it’s benefiting everyone, people will believe that it is bad. Personally propaganda affects me by giving me false information that I could or could not think is true. There are cases when propaganda can be good but it can also make people loose trust since they are being lied to.

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